A to Z: V is for Albena Petrovic-Vratchanska

A2Z-BADGE-0002015-LifeisGood-230_zps660c38a0 Today is day 22 of the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge in which I attempt to blog every day (excepting Sundays) throughout the month of April. For this challenge, I am curating a collection of “classical” music pieces, which are lesser known or by lesser known composers (to me at least).Today’s composer is Albena Petrovic-Vratchanska (b. 1965).

Petrovic-Vratchanska hails from Sophia, Bulgaria and appears to be an amazingly prolific composer. She’s completed over 600 works in various forms and has been awarded for her compositions.

Crystal Dream by Albena Petrovic-Vratchanska

The composer’s Wikipedia entry: Albena Petrovic-Vratchanska

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