A to Z: M is for Hajime Mizoguchi

A2Z-BADGE-0002015-LifeisGood-230_zps660c38a0 It’s day 13 of the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge in which I attempt to blog every day (excepting Sundays) throughout the month of April. For this challenge, I am curating a collection of “classical” music pieces, which are lesser known or by lesser known composers (to me at least).

Today’s composer is Hajime Mizoguchi (b.1960 ).

Mozoguchi is a Japanese cellist and composer. He turned to composing after having a bad auto accident when he was 22. Since then done over 20 albums and composed extensively for film. I love the way this piece starts out with a solo cello and a beautiful melody. Not too crazy about the middle where it gets sort of “Soundtrack-like,” but then it returns to the wonderful melody.

Noise Man By Hajime Mizoguchi

The composer’s Wikipedia page Hajime Mizoguchi

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