September 20, birthday of Laurie Spiegel

Since July, I have been concentrating solely on female composers.  You can read about that in my post from July 19.  If I can’t find one born on the calendar day, I won’t post.  On with today’s composer.

I’m sure the music of Laurie Spiegel (b. 1945) will delight a number of my friends who are into minimalism and the works of composers like Moondog, Glass, Reich and Reilly.  She taught herself the guitar, then studied lute, mandolin and banjo.  I don’t know how but she got into Bell Labs where she worked in computer graphics and she studied music composition with  Jacob Druckman and Vincent Persichetti at the Juilliard School.  She was big in the New Music scene of the 1970s but then got out of the limelight and has worked as a teacher and composer of soundtracks.  One of her works appears in one of the Hunger Games movies.

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